“Before we utilized SafetyNow’s unique integrated training platform, which allows us to coordinate eLearning and instructor-led training all from one single platform, giving safety talks across our facilities was a huge undertaking. Thanks to SafetyNow’s universal accessibility, customizable features, and engaging material, setting up safety talks now is a breeze.”
Marcia Chiang
Senior Safety Consultant, Capital Power
The Challenge
According to Marcia Chiang, Senior Safety Officer, “With over 1,000 employees and 35 locations, it has been extremely difficult staying up-to-date with all the orientation training as well as the refresher training – including courses on Hazard Communication and Fire Protection. I have to rely on a variety of safety officers at a multitude of facilities. Each one has their own style of giving safety talks, tracking participation, and presenting the information. Trying to coordinate a uniform safety program across all locations was a big challenge.”
The Solution
Instead of relying on each safety officer to conduct the training at each location, the responsibility of training now falls on the employee with the SafetyNow online courses. Being able to manage the training at your fingertips is a huge advantage.
The reports are also very user friendly. The SafetyNow LMS allows us to monitor which employees have taken the training and which employees have not. The customization feature is very easy to use. I have added PowerPoint slides and photos to our current training modules. Employees enjoy viewing video segments rather than solely following a PowerPoint presentation, and are much more engaged in the material.
The Results
Capital Power Corporation has found the SafetyNow eLearning System to be an extremely effective solution that saves time, eliminates travel, provides employee input, and allows course content to be updated almost immediately. It enables Capital Power to collect and track information on employee progress and allows instantaneous feedback. It also allows the supervisors to customize the program to their style and tailor it to their employee’s needs, which is essential to driving interest and increasing awareness of safety issues.
“Since we started using SafetyNow, we have received positive feedback from all of our safety supervisors. Our safety protocols are now universal across all facilities, eliminating a lot of confusion and ensuring that we stay compliant with 100% of the laws 100% of the time.”
Marcia Chiang
Senior Safety Consultant, Capital Power
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